

发布日期:2025-01-04 15:06    点击次数:133

万科海上映象售楼处电话:400-866-2334可预约销售人员万科海上映象售楼处电话:400-866-2334欢迎来电咨询松江新城核心 紧邻印象城2023万科上海映象系改善首作全新住宅+商业+滨水+绿地一体化活力社区「万科海上映象」售楼处电话:400-886-2334(预约热线)如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。万科海上映象售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-886-2334售楼处地址400-886-2334,楼盘项目全面介绍,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘简介,房价,价格,楼盘地址,户型图,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,最新消息,最新详情,周边配套,最新进展等详情咨询)免责声明:将文章内容综合来源于网络、只作分享,版权归原作者所有!!如有侵权,请联系我们,我们第一时间处理!房地联动价约5.95万/㎡主推建面约100㎡、130-185㎡3-4房售楼处&样板间已开放欢迎预约参观认购时间:9月13日-9月17日12时认购金:70万元售楼处电话:400-866-2334欢迎来电咨询!可预约销售人员,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。(来电尊享内部优惠活动)万科海上映象在上海,一个优质且活力的商业,是能一定程度上拉动区域经济,凝聚人气,增加片区活力,提升板块宜居水平,盘活消费动力,并带动周边区域共同发展的。如瑞虹天地、七宝万科、印象城等,周边无论是消费能力还是其他,都更为优秀。印象城是上海这几年迅速崛起的一个商业,在上海有7个项目,其中松江印象城,南翔印象城尤其出圈!南翔印象城第一年以近4000万人次总客流量,便跻身上海头部商业体俱乐部,2022年更是以约34亿销售额,位于上海重点商场第三位(信息源:INSITE盈石资产)其自2020年开业后,给板块带来的利好格外明显。区域内供应的新盘基本逢开必火,开盘即罄,甚至部分触发积分,越来越多购房者愿意居住于此,人口流入显著,日常去商场,周末停车都要近半小时。万科·海上映象售楼处电话:400-866-2334数据源:链家,截止2023.8.22紧接着在2021年,松江印象城开业了,有着前面的成功运营经验,开业当日收获约26万客流,荣登当日同城微博抖音热搜榜单前列;开业两周,拿下客流约105万的好成绩,并且在大众点评页面的粉丝数,已跃居松江top1及西南四区第二(信息源:上海松江)万科·海上映象售楼处电话:400-866-23342023年4月,万科再度摘得印象城一期相邻的两个全新地块,由万科多元业务联合开发运营,万科集团成员企业——印力,将在其中一块打造印象城二期。未来一二期商业体量将突破40.5万㎡,或将成为全国第四座、上海第三座印象城MEGA巨型购物中心,届时将超越南翔印象城MEGA,成为上海纯购物中心中体量较大的商业体,为松江带来更加全新国际化生活方式内容,提振松江消费能级和区域影响力!作为万科售楼处电话:400-886-2334(预约热线)住宅+商业的一体化开发模式,在松江印象城MEGA即将重磅问世之际,万科将同步带来与印象城二期水岸“银河之隔”的万科全新一代映象系住宅——万科·海上映象。万科·海上映象效果图上述项目效果图仅为概念示意展示,仅作为业主选购房源参考,该效果图中包括但不限于建筑立面、动线、布局、尺寸、材质、样式、选品、大区景观等项目信息仅为示意展示,非交付标准展示,不意味着本公司作出了承诺,本宣传资料介绍内容不排除因政府相关规划、规定及开发商未能控制的原因而发生变化,最终以项目开盘后双方签署的正式《上海市商品房预售/销售合同》及其他相关协议文本为准。请在购买前,详细阅读并知悉项目周边实际情况。01万科全新高端“映象”系产品,“3+3+3”模式匠心细节尊贵艺术海派空间,住宅+商业一体化滨水社区论品牌,万科长期致力于综合生活场景的营造,成功打造了如中兴路一号的时尚街区场景、万科天空之城的大虹桥TOD居住模式,入市之初便颇受购房者追捧!深耕松江14年!更懂松江的万科万科与松江更是紧密相连,2009年开始,从白马花园、金色华亭、梦想派、云间传奇四个住宅开发,到印象城一期开发,可以说没有一家企业比万科更懂松江、更懂松江人民的生活和需求。万科·海上映象售楼处电话:400-866-2334万科全新高端产品系——映象映象系是万科近年来新研发的高端产品,针对纯粹改善而生,通过对经典的解构与重释,打造引领经典回潮的理想人居,成为难以复刻的作品。【万科·海上映象】作为上海的首作,更是融入了多种海派经典元素,定制独属于上海的映象系大宅。效果图上述项目效果图仅为概念示意展示,仅作为业主选购房源参考,该效果图中包括但不限于建筑立面、动线、布局、尺寸、材质、样式、选品、大区景观等项目信息仅为示意展示,非交付标准展示,不意味着本公司作出了承诺,本宣传资料介绍内容不排除因政府相关规划、规定及开发商未能控制的原因而发生变化,最终以项目开盘后双方签署的正式《上海市商品房预售/销售合同》及其他相关协议文本为准。请在购买前,详细阅读并知悉项目周边实际情况。多位大师团队设计!打造艺术高定的美学空间项目邀请了众多知名团队参与设计,如设计过古北壹号,龙盛福新里、碧云尊邸等豪宅的上海天华建筑设计有限公司,以专业经验、前沿视角和高端审美,通过对映象客户生活品位与居住风格的深刻理解,塑造更具场景感的美学空间,为社区注入艺术与情感。黑金美学,匠造高级空间映象系以高级“黑金美学”风格,贯穿围墙、大堂、地库、电梯厅、户外景观的设计中,以经典与艺术的强烈对撞,营造出尊贵、高级的空间序列。万科·海上映象售楼处电话:400-866-2334效果图过程稿上述项目效果图仅为概念示意展示,仅作为业主选购房源参考,该效果图中包括但不限于建筑立面、动线、布局、尺寸、材质、样式、选品、大区景观等项目信息仅为示意展示,非交付标准展示,不意味着本公司作出了承诺,本宣传资料介绍内容不排除因政府相关规划、规定及开发商未能控制的原因而发生变化,最终以项目开盘后双方签署的正式《上海市商品房预售/销售合同》及其他相关协议文本为准。请在购买前,详细阅读并知悉项目周边实际情况。海派艺术大堂,尽显归家尊贵仪式感【万科·海上映象】,将上海骨子里的文化印记符号,定制为映象系住区的专属艺术品。走进艺术客厅,具有流动感的万花筒艺术装饰、充满生命气息的红调艺术画作、吧台一角的留声机造型灯具......打造私人美术馆一般的空间,让回家成为一场海派艺术的发现之旅。效果图过程稿上述项目效果图仅为概念示意展示,仅作为业主选购房源参考,该效果图中包括但不限于建筑立面、动线、布局、尺寸、材质、样式、选品、大区景观等项目信息仅为示意展示,非交付标准展示,不意味着本公司作出了承诺,本宣传资料介绍内容不排除因政府相关规划、规定及开发商未能控制的原因而发生变化,最终以项目开盘后双方签署的正式《上海市商品房预售/销售合同》及其他相关协议文本为准。请在购买前,详细阅读并知悉项目周边实际情况。独属于海上映象的高定符号,经典永流传项目从建筑大师斯卡帕的装饰美学和上海石库门的圆拱造型中汲取灵感,创造了独特的黑白花纹拼贴,打破地面大片黑色的沉闷底色,为空间营造出更多的亮点。万科·海上映象售楼处电话:400-866-2334效果图过程稿上述项目效果图仅为概念示意展示,仅作为业主选购房源参考,该效果图中包括但不限于建筑立面、动线、布局、尺寸、材质、样式、选品、大区景观等项目信息仅为示意展示,非交付标准展示,不意味着本公司作出了承诺,本宣传资料介绍内容不排除因政府相关规划、规定及开发商未能控制的原因而发生变化,最终以项目开盘后双方签署的正式《上海市商品房预售/销售合同》及其他相关协议文本为准。请在购买前,详细阅读并知悉项目周边实际情况。经典中轴礼序+艺术定制社区景观方面,以一条中轴连接城市与社区,统率整体园林,营造大气格局。园路沿中轴展开,沿途嵌入植物等丰富景观要素,与社区入口、大堂、会客厅等建筑”场地融合,通过对称阵列带来秩序感与仪式感,雕琢精致的都会景观,将理想中的园林美学引入现实生活。花园社交艺术场景、亲子架空与童玩场地、运动架空与社区跑道、阳光草坪……同时配上如艺趣的灯具座椅、简约纯粹的铺装纹理、细腻优雅的装饰细节等等,真正做到了在社区中融入艺术。效果图过程稿上述项目效果图仅为概念示意展示,仅作为业主选购房源参考,该效果图中包括但不限于建筑立面、动线、布局、尺寸、材质、样式、选品、大区景观等项目信息仅为示意展示,非交付标准展示,不意味着本公司作出了承诺,本宣传资料介绍内容不排除因政府相关规划、规定及开发商未能控制的原因而发生变化,最终以项目开盘后双方签署的正式《上海市商品房预售/销售合同》及其他相关协议文本为准。请在购买前,详细阅读并知悉项目周边实际情况。有口皆碑的万科物业陪伴,居住更舒心项目后续将由万科物业服务业主,万科物业在 2020 年更名成为万物云公司。万物云包含Space(空间)、Tech(科技)和Grow(成长)三大模块。示范区和样板房已开放02圈层更纯粹!规划约60%大户型!由于上海近年来土拍宅地中,中小户型套数有一定的配比要求,即建筑面积约100㎡甚至以下的产品占比达到约70%,导致市面上越来越多的紧凑型产品出现,大户型的比例相应的急剧减少。使得购房者对当下真正能做到一步到位,功能更强的舒适大户型选择十分有限。松江新城作为五大新城中的国家级开发区,配套资源和生态环境更为密集,板块已然拥有了非常之高的成熟度。居民的居住改善需求也在日益剧增,然而这里同样面临着高品质舒适大户型的供不应求。2022年至今,松江新城新房供应约5252套,其中建面约130-150㎡大户型占比仅约2.17%(数据来源:佑威)本项目百平以上大户型占比高达约60%,圈层更纯粹,居住更舒适!万科·海上映象售楼处电话:400-866-2334数据来源:佑威100平样板房照片130平样板房照片150平样板房照片万科·海上映象售楼处电话:400-866-233403择址广富林核芯&银河生活水岸建设重要节点处繁华配套无需等待!眼前尽享!【万科·海上映象】除内部品质高端以及户型优势外,外部配套资源也丰富,地理位置得天独厚。区位示意图区域上来看,项目处于松江广富林的核心,也是松江未来发展的重点。论资源优势,可谓各种Buff叠满。商业:紧邻松江印象城,网红级的综合体+爆款IP,开业就引爆全区的消费力。项目南侧以及东北角,还有2块商业项目,未来这里将围合成更新更优质更大的商业圈。效果示意图,上述项目效果图仅为概念示意展示,仅作为业主选购房源参考,该效果图中包括但不限于建筑立面、动线、布局、尺寸、材质、样式、选品、大区景观等项目信息仅为示意展示,非交付标准展示,不意味着本公司作出了承诺,本宣传资料介绍内容不排除因政府相关规划、规定及开发商未能控制的原因而发生变化,最终以项目开盘后双方签署的正式《上海市商品房预售/销售合同》及其他相关协议文本为准。请在购买前,详细阅读并知悉项目周边实际情况。教育:这些年松江的优质教育资源不断落地,华二松江校区,明年9月建成使用。今年3月,上海市实验学校松江新城新校确定落户广富林,计划2025年9月建成使用,也是九年制。新校紧邻【万科·海上映象】,由上海市实验学校徐红校长亲率团队参与设计、筹划和管理,师资队伍+硬件水平对标上实本部。其中,紧邻本项目的首创锦悦,2023年对口学校为华东政法大学附属松江实验学校(公办九年制)。而该校学区范围是依据本区教育资源、生源分布等基本情况,按“免试就近入学”原则进行划分。(信息源:上海发布)未来居住在【万科海上映象】,至少家门口的优质教育资源是不用太担心!项目西北侧还规划有新建小学,东北侧还有上海师范大学附属中学的规划以及规划中的示范性九年制学校——上实松江分校,同时还有上外西外、赫德双语、包玉刚实验学校等高端双语教育。(*政府教育主管部门不对预售房屋进行学区划分,项目周边学校等教育资源的介绍仅为提供相关信息参考,开发商不对项目交房后所属学区、学校做任何承诺,教育资源分配或学校/学区划分请以政府教育主管部门认定为准。)交通:东侧直线距离约1.5公里可到达9号线松江大学城站,可快速到达七宝商圈、漕河泾开发区、徐家汇商圈、浦东世纪大道等商圈。医疗:项目南侧不远处就是上海市第一人民医院医院(南院)(三甲),可提供直升机救援服务,享受市中心同等医疗标准资源。生态:广富林文化遗址、广富林郊野公园,辰山植物园、欢乐谷等环绕周边,都是刷爆朋友圈的打卡地,家门口的绿氧天堂、露营胜地。万科·海上映象售楼处电话:400-866-2334广富林文化遗址实景除此之外,本项目所在的广富林街道还将新添一条滨水景观长廊——银河!银河位于松江大学城北部,是广富林地区最主要的东西向河道,根据地区规划,广富林板块将连接西端富林湖,东端五龙湖,打造松江最具特色的滨水慢行景观长廊。规划示意图,图源上海松江【万科·海上映象】位于松江银河创意文化水廊中段,该段为银河生活型水岸建设的重要节点,规划步行道、慢跑环线等漫步体系带,而且紧邻小区,出门就到,非常便利。另外据了解,社区还规划了一座人性天桥,未来可以不过马路,通过天桥通达印象城二期。*效果图,仅供参考不作为销售承诺,不承诺交付时已建成,亦不排除会因城市规划发展、建设等原因发生变化,最终项目周边情况以实际情况及政府批准并实施的规划及设计方案为准。项目将通过住宅+商业+滨水+绿地一体化,构筑一个新的未来城市生活方式,成为区域标杆,人居新典范!示意图过程稿,上述项目效果图仅为概念示意展示,仅作为业主选购房源参考,该效果图中包括但不限于建筑立面、动线、布局、尺寸、材质、样式、选品、大区景观等项目信息仅为示意展示,非交付标准展示,不意味着本公司作出了承诺,本宣传资料介绍内容不排除因政府相关规划、规定及开发商未能控制的原因而发生变化,最终以项目开盘后双方签署的正式《上海市商品房预售/销售合同》及其他相关协议文本为准。请在购买前,详细阅读并知悉项目周边实际情况。松江的优质资源,开发一块少一块,抢占新城先机,那就别错过未来标杆品质住宅【万科·海上映象】!开放示范区和样板房已开放,欢迎预约参观!松江新城核心 印象城旁2023万科上海映象系改善首作全新住宅+商业+滨水+绿地一体化活力社区「万科·海上映象 」房地联动价约5.95万/㎡主推建面约100㎡、130-185㎡3-4房售楼处&样板间已开放售楼处电话:400-866-2334欢迎来电咨询!可预约销售人员,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。(来电尊享内部优惠活动)The core of Songjiang New City is adjacent to Impression City2023 Vanke Shanghai Imaging System Improvement First WorksNew residential, commercial, waterfront, and green integrated vitality community"Vanke Marine Image"The linkage price of real estate and land is about 59500 yuan/square meterThe main construction area is about 100 square meters, with 3-4 rooms ranging from 130 to 185 square metersThe sales office and model room have been openedWelcome to make an appointment for a visitSubscription time: 12:00 PM from September 13th to September 17thSubscription amount: 700000 yuanSales Office Phone: 400-866-2334 Welcome to inquire!You can make appointments with sales personnel and provide professional one-on-one enthusiastic service, allowing you to buy a house with a professional perspective. (Enjoying internal discounts through phone calls)Vanke Marine ImageIn Shanghai, a high-quality and vibrant business can to some extent drive the regional economy, gather popularity, increase regional vitality, improve the livability level of the sector, activate consumer power, and drive the common development of surrounding areas.Such as Ruihong Tiandi, Qibao Vanke, Impression City, etc., the surrounding areas are more excellent in terms of consumption ability and other aspects.Impression City is a rapidly rising commercial center in Shanghai in recent years, with 7 projects in the city. Among them, Songjiang Impression City and Nanxiang Impression City are particularly popular!In its first year, Nanxiang Impression City ranked among the top commercial clubs in Shanghai with a total passenger flow of nearly 40 million people. In 2022, with a sales revenue of about 3.4 billion yuan, it ranked third among key shopping malls in Shanghai (source: INSITE Yingshi Asset)Since its opening in 2020, it has brought particularly significant benefits to the sector. The new properties supplied within the region are basically on fire every time they open, and they are sold out immediately. Some even trigger points, and more and more homebuyers are willing to live here. The population flow is significant, and it takes nearly half an hour to go to the mall on a daily basis and park on weekends.Vanke · Marine Imaging Sales Office Phone: 400-866-2334Data source: Lianjia, as of August 22, 2023Then in 2021, Songjiang Impression City was opened, with the previous successful operation experience. On the day of opening, it received about 260000 passengers, and was ranked at the top of the hot search list of local microblog Tiktok; After two weeks of opening, it achieved a good result of about 1.05 million customer traffic, and its number of fans on the Dianping page has jumped to the top 1 in Songjiang and the second in the Southwest Four Districts (source: Shanghai Songjiang)Vanke · Marine Imaging Sales Office Phone: 400-866-2334In April 2023, Vanke once again won two new plots adjacent to the first phase of Impression City, which were jointly developed and operated by Vanke's diversified businesses. Vanke Group's member enterprise, Yinli, will build Impression City Phase II in one of them.In the future, the commercial volume of the first and second phases will exceed 405000 square meters, and may become the fourth MEGA shopping center in China and the third MEGA shopping center in Shanghai. It will surpass Nanxiang MEGA and become the largest commercial center in Shanghai's pure shopping center, bringing more new international lifestyle content to Songjiang, boosting its consumption level and regional influence!As an integrated development model of Vanke's residential and commercial development, with the upcoming launch of Songjiang Impression City MEGA, Vanke will simultaneously bring a new generation of Vanke's image series residential buildings - Vanke · Ocean Image, which is separated by the Milky Way from the waterfront of Impression City Phase II.Vanke · Ocean Image RenderingsThe above project rendering is only a conceptual demonstration and serves as a reference for homeowners to purchase properties. The project information, including but not limited to building facades, flow lines, layouts, dimensions, materials, styles, product selection, and regional landscapes, is for illustrative purposes only. It is not a delivery standard display and does not imply that the company has made a commitment. The content of this promotional material does not exclude any changes due to government planning, regulations, or reasons beyond the control of the developer. The final version shall be based on the formal "Shanghai Commercial Housing Pre sale/Sales Contract" and other relevant agreement texts signed by both parties after the project opens. Please carefully read and be aware of the actual situation around the project before purchasing.01Vanke's brand new high-end "Image" series products, with exquisite details in the "3+3+3" modeLuxury Art Shanghai Style Space, Residential+Commercial Integrated Waterfront CommunityIn terms of brand, Vanke has been committed to creating comprehensive living scenes for a long time, successfully creating fashionable street scenes such as No. 1 Zhongxing Road and the TOD residential model of Dahongqiao in Vanke Sky City. It has been highly sought after by homebuyers since its entry into the market!Deeply cultivate Songjiang for 14 years! Vanke, who understands Songjiang betterVanke is closely connected to Songjiang. Starting from 2009, from the development of four residential areas - White Horse Garden, Golden Huating, Dreamland, and Yunjian Legend - to the development of Impression City Phase I, it can be said that no enterprise has a better understanding of Songjiang and the lives and needs of the people of Songjiang than Vanke.Vanke · Marine Imaging Sales Office Phone: 400-866-2334Vanke's New High end Product Series - ImageImagery series is a high-end product newly developed by Vanke in recent years, aimed at pure improvement. Through deconstructing and reinterpreting classics, it creates an ideal living environment that leads the trend of classics, becoming a work that is difficult to replicate.As the first work in Shanghai, Vanke Ocean Image incorporates various classic elements of Shanghai style and customizes a unique Shanghai style mansion.RenderingsThe above project rendering is only a conceptual demonstration and serves as a reference for homeowners to purchase properties. The project information, including but not limited to building facades, flow lines, layouts, dimensions, materials, styles, product selection, and regional landscapes, is for illustrative purposes only. It is not a delivery standard display and does not imply that the company has made a commitment. The content of this promotional material does not exclude any changes due to government planning, regulations, or reasons beyond the control of the developer. The final version shall be based on the formal "Shanghai Commercial Housing Pre sale/Sales Contract" and other relevant agreement texts signed by both parties after the project opens. Please carefully read and be aware of the actual situation around the project before purchasing.Designed by a team of multiple masters! Creating a High Definition Aesthetic Space for ArtThe project has invited numerous well-known teams to participate in the design, such as Shanghai Tianhua Architectural Design Co., Ltd., which has designed luxury homes such as Gubei No.1, Longshengfu Xinli, and Biyun Zundi. With professional experience, cutting-edge perspectives, and high-end aesthetics, through a profound understanding of the lifestyle and living style of the clients, it has created a more scenic aesthetic space, injecting art and emotion into the community.Black gold aesthetics, crafting high-end spacesThe imaging system adopts a high-end "black gold aesthetic" style, running through the design of walls, lobbies, basements, elevator lobbies, and outdoor landscapes, creating a noble and sophisticated spatial sequence through the strong collision of classics and art.Vanke · Marine Imaging Sales Office Phone: 400-866-2334Process draft of renderingsThe above project rendering is only a conceptual demonstration and serves as a reference for homeowners to purchase properties. The project information, including but not limited to building facades, flow lines, layouts, dimensions, materials, styles, product selection, and regional landscapes, is for illustrative purposes only. It is not a delivery standard display and does not imply that the company has made a commitment. The content of this promotional material does not exclude any changes due to government planning, regulations, or reasons beyond the control of the developer. The final version shall be based on the formal "Shanghai Commercial Housing Pre sale/Sales Contract" and other relevant agreement texts signed by both parties after the project opens. Please carefully read and be aware of the actual situation around the project before purchasing.The Shanghai style art lobby fully showcases the sense of returning home with a noble ceremonyVanke · Ocean Image, customizing the cultural imprint symbols from Shanghai's bones as exclusive artworks for the image binding area.Walking into the art living room, there are flowing kaleidoscope art decorations, vibrant red toned art paintings, and a phonograph shaped lighting fixture in the corner of the bar counter Create a private art museum like space, making returning home a journey of discovering Shanghai style art.Process draft of renderingsThe above project rendering is only a conceptual demonstration and serves as a reference for homeowners to purchase properties. The project information, including but not limited to building facades, flow lines, layouts, dimensions, materials, styles, product selection, and regional landscapes, is for illustrative purposes only. It is not a delivery standard display and does not imply that the company has made a commitment. The content of this promotional material does not exclude any changes due to government planning, regulations, or reasons beyond the control of the developer. The final version shall be based on the formal "Shanghai Commercial Housing Pre sale/Sales Contract" and other relevant agreement texts signed by both parties after the project opens. Please carefully read and be aware of the actual situation around the project before purchasing.A high-definition symbol unique to the sea image, classic and timelessThe project draws inspiration from the decorative aesthetics of architect Scapa and the circular arch shape of Shanghai Shikumen, creating a unique black and white pattern collage that breaks the dull black background of the ground and creates more highlights for the space.Vanke · Marine Imaging Sales Office Phone: 400-866-2334Process draft of renderingsThe above project rendering is only a conceptual demonstration and serves as a reference for homeowners to purchase properties. The project information, including but not limited to building facades, flow lines, layouts, dimensions, materials, styles, product selection, and regional landscapes, is for illustrative purposes only. It is not a delivery standard display and does not imply that the company has made a commitment. The content of this promotional material does not exclude any changes due to government planning, regulations, or reasons beyond the control of the developer. The final version shall be based on the formal "Shanghai Commercial Housing Pre sale/Sales Contract" and other relevant agreement texts signed by both parties after the project opens. Please carefully read and be aware of the actual situation around the project before purchasing.Classic Axis Ritual Preface+Art Customization CommunityIn terms of landscape, a central axis connects the city and the community, leading the overall garden and creating an atmospheric pattern.The garden road unfolds along the central axis, with rich landscape elements such as plants embedded along the way, integrating with the community entrance, lobby, reception hall and other buildings. Through symmetrical arrays, it brings a sense of order and ceremony, sculpting exquisite urban landscapes, and introducing ideal garden aesthetics into real life.Garden social art scenes, parent-child elevated and children's play areas, sports elevated and community runways, sunny lawns... all complemented by fun lighting seats, simple and pure paving textures, delicate and elegant decorative details, truly achieving the integration of art into the community.Process draft of renderingsThe above project rendering is only a conceptual demonstration and serves as a reference for homeowners to purchase properties. The project information, including but not limited to building facades, flow lines, layouts, dimensions, materials, styles, product selection, and regional landscapes, is for illustrative purposes only. It is not a delivery standard display and does not imply that the company has made a commitment. The content of this promotional material does not exclude any changes due to government planning, regulations, or reasons beyond the control of the developer. The final version shall be based on the formal "Shanghai Commercial Housing Pre sale/Sales Contract" and other relevant agreement texts signed by both parties after the project opens. Please carefully read and be aware of the actual situation around the project before purchasing.Accompanied by renowned Vanke Property, living in a more comfortable environmentThe project will be serviced by Vanke Property, which will be renamed as Wanyun Company in 2020. The Everything Cloud includes three major modules: Space, Tech, and Grow.The demonstration area and model houses have been opened